
Process oriented STAND standards

The STAND standards are a set of process-oriented standards which follow the value chain in the grocery industry. This is a big change from when the standards were more task-oriented. All information in the old standards is included in the new ones, but is now structured according to the processes.

All relevant processes at, and between, the brand supplier, the wholesaler and the retailer are described in 7 main processes, with a total of 21 subprocesses.

You will find the standards below here and on the landing page. To find what you are looking for, you can click on the relevant subprocess here, you can go to the relevant main process on the landing page and scroll down the left menu or you can use the search function.

Under Downloads, you will find PDF versions of the main processes, sub-processes and some other useful documents also. Once you are in one of the STAND standards, you can create a PDF of that exact page.

All changes to the standards are listed in attached change log pr 16. December 2019.

