Routine at delays
Routine at delays
In case of delay, a distinction is made between notified and unannounced. Separate routines have been established for:
- Routine of notified delays
- Routine of unannounced delays
Routine of notified delays (A7 in timeline)
Any delay must be notified immediately with the information available at the time of notification. Message must be sent to the department of category / purchase and the department of logistics.
- Supplier confirms delivery capacity of complete delivery in U-6. If the supplier is not able to deliver, is currently notified new delivery date, (same to all customers, given compliance with other deadlines)
- The supplier confirms the final delivery date in U-3. Actual postponement / postponed launch time should be equal to all customers, given compliance with routines / deadlines in this standard. Volume is distributed based on supplier’s forecast to chain timeline A4. Time deviations that do not affect product at retailer Monday week 0, must be resolved. If the delay exceeds three weeks, ie longer than Monday week 1, the routine applies to unannounced delays, see below.
- Deferred delivery date is considered in order sent in U-3 (A6).
- The deferral is dealt with in the evaluation of launch, bilaterally between supplier and customer.

Routine of unannounced delays
Any delay must be notified immediately with the information available at the time of notification. Message must be sent to the department of category / purchase and department of logistics.
- Notification of postponement after U-6, or at delays longer than Monday U1, is handled by routine for unannounced delays.
- The products can be ordered according to plan.
- The supplier confirms reduced delivery capacity for regular order confirmation in U-3, (A6.1 in timeline)
- Customer may determine any delayed delivery date at the latest in U-1. Customer can be released from assortment obligation (A3 in timeline)
- Assessment and decision on response if deviations occur are handled by the individual retail chain.

Launch shall not be postponed
Launch will not be subject to major deviations between forecast (A4 in timeline) and actual ordering. In general, product news should be ready for pick-up from supplier from Monday U-2, or at the agreed time.