193 Feedback on listing / main assortment and confirmed ability of delivery (A3-A6 in timeline)

Feedback on listing / main assortment and confirmed ability of delivery (A3-A6 in timeline)

The feedback from the retail chain should include:

  • Assortment classification per profile chain (new and old classification)
  • Selected input and phase method (time-managed or inventory-managed)
    • Included the list of products that are linked
  • Products that are delisted
  • The time of feedback about assortment is no later than U-8.

If the retail chain’s assortment selection of products leads to a supplier deciding to cancel or postpone launch, this should be reported to the relevant retail chain’s category manager by latest Friday at U-6.

For products being discontinued, any deviations from ordinary down sale must be clearly communicated in a reasonable time.

In case of product shortages at the supplier, the volume as confirmed in U-6 (A4 in timeline) is used as the basis of deviation handling ref.

Routine for delay from supplier / Private label

However, order confirmation of orders (A6) delivered no later than Tuesday in U-3 is to be considered as a binding agreement. Order confirmations will be given Wednesday U-3 (A6.1). Current deadlines are available in section for downloads.

Fig. 274
Published on: 9. August 2018


Additional text: “For products being discontinued, any deviations from ordinary down sale must be clearly communicated in a reasonable time.”