315 Product tracking requirements

Product tracking requirements

The legislation requires that each company must have systems to document which products are purchased from each supplier and which customer has purchased the company’s finished products.

This also includes raw materials and other input that are covered by the legislation.

There is no requirement in the legislation for which type of systems to be used for this.

Businesses can practice more comprehensive tracking systems than the minimum regulatory requirements require, but this is either based on self-imposed requirements or agreements with, and orders from the contracting parties.

Tracking means being able to follow the physical flow of goods. This is often referred to as chain traceability, and assumes that all parties meet the requirements and follow the guidelines for tracking.

Tracking takes into account the legal requirements for all parties to be able to trace their products one step forward and one step back in the value chain.

Tracking one step forward:

This means to the address the products are delivered to.

An invoice system containing information about item number / item name, customer number / customer name and invoice date is sufficient to be able to trace one step forward in the value chain.

If the company is using batch/lot numbers for their products, this should be included in the invoice, despatch advice and the like, or linked directly to the company’s own systems.

Tracking one step backward:

This means the address from which the products are delivered.

The company must keep a log of received products describing which products were purchased from whom and in which quantitiy, and date.

If the addresses for where products are delivered from or delivered to are not in accordance with the legal ownership of the products and the invoice process, this should be agreed separately between the parties.

Published on: 27. September 2019