314 Routines covered by the guidelines

Routines covered by the guidelines

Legislative anchoring of the guidelines

The guidelines are among others based on Norwegian or European regulations on food safety and traceability:

  • Product Liability Act of 23 December 1988
  • Act on food production and food safety, etc. of 19.12.2003 Matloven (Food Law)
  • Regulations on internal control to comply with IK-mat forskriften (IK Food Law)
  • EU Food Law (Regulation EC 178/2002)
  • Directive 94/62 / EC on packaging and packaging waste

Each party has an obligation to familiarize themselves with the regulations that apply to the products your business sells or are involved in.

The legislation does not impose requirements on how tracking should be performed, and what systems in which tracking information should be recorded. Manual systems may be sufficient as long as the requirements for tracking and tracking information are met. 


The guidelines cover two procedures

  • Requirements for and how to design contingency routines
  • Implementing actions should an incident or crisis occur

Prepare crisis procedures

This is included:

  • Prepare a Risk Analysis
  • Prepare a Contingency Plan
  • Requirements for product tracking
  • Tracking information and labeling requirements
Published on: 27. September 2019