150 Transport information on pallet with example of transport label

Transport information on pallet with example of transport label

Content of the Standard shipping label for the Norwegian grocery sector.

Overview of labelling of Standard shipping label:
Information  Human readable text GS1-128 (bar code) AI Format
Sender’s name, street address, postal code, city Must be labelled Not labelled
Recipient’s name, street address, postal code, city Must be labelled Not labelled
Name, address, etc. for the Crossdocking terminal Must be labelled when the delivery is via the Crossdocking terminal Not labelled
Buyer’s reference Must be labelled Not labelled
Gross weight Must be labelled Can be labelled 3300 n4 + n6
Max. Top load1) Must be labelled Not labelled
Temperature requirements Must be labelled Not labelled
SSCC (License Plate) Must be labelled Must be labelled 00 n2 + n18
1)    Max Top load is omitted for Mixed pallet.


Example of Standard shipping label for the grocery industry


Fig. 246


Transport label for Standard pallet
Standard pallet is labelled with Standard shipping label for the grocery industry

A GS1 product label on a Standard pallet requires labeling of SSCC, gross weight, top load weight and temperature requirements.

This information can therefore be omitted from Standard shipping label for the grocery industry.

If both product label and transport label are used, SSCC can be labelled on both labels provided that the identical number is used.


Transport label for Promotional Unit
The Distribution Unit (DU) containing one or more Promotional Units is labelled with Standard shipping label for the grocery industry.

The Distribution Unit (DU) is identified and labelled with its own SSCC

If the Promotional Unit a 1/1 pallet, the same labelling of transport label as for Standard pallet is used.

Transport label for Mixed pallet
Mixed pallet (both with and without interlayer pallet) is labelled with Standard shipping label for the Norwegian grocery industry.

If the Mixed pallet is not stackable, information on Top load is omitted.

Transport label for Customer packed pallets
The Customer packed pallet is labelled with Standard shipping label for the grocery industry.

Note in particular:

 Recipient’s name, address, etc.

As recipient transit warehouse is given and transit address is given as delivery address. The pallet must be labelled with the transit warehouse’s name, street address, postal code and postal address in human readable text.

Name, address, etc. for the distribution warehouse.

The via-field the distribution warehouse is given. The pallet must be labelled with the distributions warehouse’s name, street address, postal code and postal address in human readable text.


Transport label for Customer packed units

Transport Information.

On this label, a separate field has been created for transport information. This is information that the buyer sends to the supplier in his order and which the supplier must put on the Customer packed unit’s transport label.

Format and content of transport information is agreed between the parties.


Content in transport label for customer packed unit

Transport label for customer packed unit:
Information   Human readable text GS1-128 (bar code) AI Format
Sender’s name, street address, postal code, city Must be labelled Not labelled
End recipients’s name, street address, postal code, city Must be labelled Not labelled
Name, address, etc. for the transit warehouse1) Must be labelled Not labelled
Transport information2) Must be labelled Not labelled
Buyer’s reference3) Must be labelled Not labelled
Gross weight4) Must be labelled Can be labelled 3300 n4 + n6
Temperature requirements Must be labelled Not labelled
SSCC Code (licence plate) Must be labelled Must be labelled 00 n2 + n18
1) Transit Warehouse where the pallet is split/cross-docked, is stated in the VIA-field
2) Transport information is agreed between the parties
3) Example The Customers Ordering Number
4) Gross weight is the sum of weight of the products, packaging materials and pallet (load carrier)

Example of shipping label for Customer packed unit


Fig. 247
Published on: 31. July 2018